Unglaublich detaillierte Bilder von Artemis I Orion Close Lunar Flyby

In diesem Video, das am sechsten Tag der Artemis-I-Mission von einer Kamera an der Spitze eines der Orion-Solarfelder aufgenommen wurde, sieht man die Erde auf der anderen Seite des Mondes direkt hinter der Raumsonde Orion untergehen. Das Raumschiff bereitete sich auf das Outbound Powered Flyby-Manöver vor, das es innerhalb von 80 Meilen an die Mondoberfläche bringen würde, die nächste Annäherung für die unbemannte Mission Artemis I, bevor es in eine tiefe rückläufige Umlaufbahn um den Mond einschwenkte. Das Raumschiff trat am Sonntag, dem 20. November, in den Einflussbereich des Mondes ein, wodurch der Mond anstelle der Erde die primäre Gravitationskraft war, die auf das Raumschiff einwirkt. Anerkennung:[{“ attribute=““>NASA

On the sixth day of the Artemis I mission, Orion made a close flyby of the Moon, passing about 81 miles (130 km) above the surface. During the close flyby, Orion’s optical navigation camera captured black-and-white images of craters on the Moon below. Orion uses the optical navigation camera to capture imagery of the Earth and the Moon at different phases and distances, providing an enhanced body of data to certify its effectiveness under different lighting conditions as a way to help orient the spacecraft on future missions with crew.

The Earth and Moon are tidally locked, which means that the Moon spins on its axis exactly once each time it orbits our planet. Because of this, people on Earth only ever see one side of the Moon. In fact, humans didn’t see the lunar far side until a Soviet spacecraft flew past in 1959. This side we never see is known as the “far side of the Moon.” Sometimes it is called the “dark side of the Moon,” which some people consider a misnomer because it gets just as much sunlight as the near side of the Moon. However, “dark” in this case is referring to unknown, rather than a lack of light.

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Here are the detailed images of the Moon captured by Orion’s optical navigation camera:

Orion Far Side of Moon 1Orion Far Side of MoonOrion Far Side of Moon 2 Orion Far Side of Moon 3 Orion Far Side of Moon 5 Orion Far Side of Moon 6 Orion Far Side of Moon 7 Orion Far Side of Moon 8 Orion Far Side of Moon 9 Orion Far Side of Moon 10 Orion Far Side of Moon 11 Orion Far Side of Moon 12 Orion Far Side of Moon 13 Orion Far Side of Moon 14 Orion Far Side of Moon 15

NASA-Live-Berichterstattung über den Artemis I Close-Vorbeiflug am Mond.

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